Transformational Breath Workshop® For Children

Transformational Breath Workshop® For Children

Elif Clarke explains why she thinks it’s so important to work with children and reports on a workshop for 8 to 13 year olds she recently ran with Sarah Jons Research findings indicate that 10% of children aged 5 to 16 have a clinically-diagnosable mental health...
Let Transformational Breath be Your Teacher

Let Transformational Breath be Your Teacher

I’ve been on a journey of self-empowerment and understanding. It’s taken a lifetime of searching, travelling and looking in lots of different places. A while ago, I stopped looking outside, and found new answers by looking inwards. Something changed in me when I...
Your Breath Unravels Who You Are

Your Breath Unravels Who You Are

Transformational Breath® is a self-help tool that enables us to achieve emotional, physical and mental balance. It is a connected breath with a long inhalation and short soft exhalation with no pause inbetween. It emphasises the importance of breathing throughout the...